I am told that today is the last of this year. Not any different from any other day except that Mother and Father spent the whole day with us. We kept Watch outside before the rains started again. It was a quiet kind of day filled with treats and bones and fusses and walkies..... I talked with Uncle Barry and and Michael and Jack on my walk and Izzy said she also chatted with Jack on her walk. Ari went with Father on a very long walk and was happy. Mia went on her training walk (with treats) and refused to go any further than Auntie Dolores's front door. Some how she knew that Auntie was home. Auntie Dolores let her into the house and Mia sat and talked to her very gently and Auntie gave her treats.... Mia understood that she was older and needed a gentle kiss. She asked me if Auntie was like Moula and I answered yes. Nearly the same gentle spirit- full of the wisdom of age. We played outside for a while before the rain...