
Showing posts from June, 2020


It is raining here which means we cannot go into the pool which is ok because Father took Izzy early this morning to get her elbows tested.  We are all very sad that she is not here for so long but Mother says they are very busy and will take good care of Izzy.  That does not stop us from missing her. Mother says I have to go get my check up later today- sigh I hate jabs. It is funny how much we rely on each other to be there at all times. So we will wait for our little fish Izzy's return so we can be together  again. May your days be filled with peace my friends...


There are certain things that we do together and certain things we do apart. When Mother has some tasty strawberries- we band together and ask politely iif we can have a bit .  When  we are very good, Father gives us treats and again, we band together. Sometimes we like to explore by ourselves. Or relax on the patio. I did not feel like swimming today so I just watched from beyond the big chain fence. Little Raven started to dive like her sister Izzy. We band together when it's time to  eat- of course, No one would fault us that. May your days be filled with peace my friends....


The storms were finished and the flowers were grateful for the rain this morning. We were all outside early today and Mother and Father took me and took Izzy into the pool before the other girls. Izzy kept diving and diving and diving into the clear blue water. I swam a bit but my old legs get tired fast. Izzy certainly loves to swim under the water!  We can't seem to stop her from diving underneath the surface of the pool. We are so very thankful that we have our pool this year. This should have been our eleventh year of  swimming but because of the boys working last year- beyond the big grey chain fence- it is only our tenth year swimming.  II wonder when the fence wiill go away.... In the meantime- I will swim and I will watch my family swim.... And we will all smile with the blooming flowers happy for the rain. May your days be filled with peace my friends...


Just as Father predicted. Today was a very very rainy day. We we pretty tired from playing with Sophie  all day and all night so we took  it easy.    When Sophie's Mum came to pick her up to take her home, we were all n the bedroom. Raven came out when Sophie was gone and spent the next hour looking for her friend...   It was a rainy good-bye... Mother took Izzy  into the pool for their exercise  while it rained and then it stopped raining and then the sun came out and then the rains came back.....Phew. It is an inside kind of day and I think we need a day like this to rest. May your days be filled with peace my friends....