
Showing posts from August, 2020


 the wind started last night. It was blowing all around our house and through our open windows. Itt was a cool wind and we did not mind it at all. In the morning the wind was still playing through the tall weeds in the back garden and we wanted to be outside. So we asked Mother. We all went outside with Mother who pulled thte weeds in the garden while we let the wind play in our ears. The wind played in the chimes that live all around our garden. It sounds like a symphony ringing in the wind. It is music to my ears.  May your days be filled with peace my friends...


It is Sunday morning and it is a cool morning and the sun is shining through us all. Ari takes care of me first thing every morning while we wait for our breakfast. Then we wait all together for Father to take each one of us for walkies. And even though we seem to calmly wait together - we are dancing inside. It is a happy dance that we do when we must wait. We wait for Father to clean the pool. And finish feeding thte chickens... And when the door comes open- we know there is no time to wait anymore..... May your days be filled with peace my friends...


 We woke up this morning to rain. lots and  lots of rain! We talked amongst  ourselves and decided it was a kong kind of morning.  Mia got her kong and bounced it on the floor and Father got the peanut butter from the refrigerator and started to fill the kongs. Mia and Raven made sure he did not make any mistakes.   We like our varied treats and toys. Mother said that there are chewing bones coming in the post today too!  We check by the door every once in a while.  All this excitement makes us need a nap too.... In my opinion, every day should be a grand kong day! May your days be filled with peace my friends...


 I am a really lucky girl. So many adventures I have had and so many more to come. There isn't a day that goes by that i am not smiling ear to ear to ear. I am slower now and a bit stiff but I so enjoy my gardens. And my naps. And my whole family! Even though I do not swim so much anymore, I love to be up on the dock- smiling at all the water antics. And  even when we wait for dinner - of course i am smiling ear to ear to ear. Life is happy, life is good life is worth every single smiling day. May your days be filled with peace my friends...


The storms from last night are gone and the sun shone through the drops of rain left on the garden plants. Mother and Father are home working and we are content and quiet today. It is a lovely breezy morning and we are gathering our strength to play in the afternoon sunshine. It's a hard life- but someone has to do it... May your days be filled with peace my friends...