
Showing posts from November, 2020


Mother got us outside early because she said the rains and winds  were coming and we should get out before the storms. Nobody really wanted to go out but we  reluctantly made our way out the kitchen door...reluctantly.   None of us really wanted to leave the comfort of our warm napping spots. But we did... And then the rains did come.... May your days be filled with peace my friends.....


It is a warm November Sunday and the sun is indeed shining bright in the blues skies. There is a cam throughout the house. We nap in the early morning while the last of the dew melts away. And we wait for our walkies one more day while Mother and Father do not have to work. And then we went out into the warm sunshine . There is peace in the quiet sunshine, not even the winds came out today. Mother says to be wary when things are quiet and peaceful and calm but right now I think we will bathe in the Sunday sunnies.  May your days be filled with peace my friends....


We all get up in the morning in total darkness. It used to be that Mother and Father would try to sleep in after letting us go outside in the morning but these days we are al up and abut pretty early and to bed pretty early too. We have our Tv time in the evening when we can snuggle and relax. There is something comforting about the darkness of the morning and the early darkness of the afternoon. It makes the sunshine sweeter to behold. And in the sweetness of the sunshine we wait patiently for our turn to have a walk. May your days be filled with peace my friends....  


 It is another day that Mother and Father are not working and spending more time with us. The sun was shining bright in the morning as we each waited for our walks. And even though we had all our walks., some  of us wanted more walks. And some of us just wanted to nap. May your days be filled with peace my friends...


 It is a rainy Thursday morning and Mother and Father are not working at their jobs. They are drinking coffee and fussing us and watching singing on the television and I think it is the Thursday that we are Thankful. I for one am thankful every day but I guess we could all remember at least today, why we are thankful. I am thankful for the gentle care that Ari gives me every day. We are all thankful for our wonderful garden wall.  We are thankful for games of fetch and keep away in our garden- even if we cannot use all of the garden yet. We are thankful for all the naps we take and for all the toys we have to choose from. We are thankful for the big bed that we like to mess up to our liking. We are thankful   for the many kongs that keep our youngest family members occupied. We are thankful for surprise chewing bones that keep us happy on rainy days. But Most of all, we are thankful to be a family together. May your days be filled with peace my friends...