The rain continues but not heavy- just misty and gloomy all day. We are all missing the sun. But we make due with what we are given each day. Carnaby chats with Dusty to keep her busy. Raven is always very good with the youngest in the house. She is very tolerant. Napping takes precedence on gloomy days like these. Lots of napping. Dad was outside trying to figure out which hen is a Roo.... Mum knows it's Berrie...... He will have to leave us asap. Dusty always wants to be where Dad is- even when he is busy doing his exercises. We all want to be where Mum and Dad are. We after all, are one big family. Mama Mia gives up her chewing bone to daughter Dusty. Even though it is her favourite bone. She is always the caring Mama. It is what we do as mothers and what needs to be done while we wait for the sun to return. Ciao for now my friends...