

Mornings are certainly brighter. And the air is definitely lighter.   We love the morning sunshine bright in the sky. It energizes us and makes us frisky and playful and happy. And thus we shine. And jumps for joy. It's pure happiness to be had. And we are happy to be here. Under the growing sunshine. Ciao for now my friends...


The excitement of the coming of Spring is in the air. Even our chewing bones seem more exciting! The  grass is still brown and soggy from the melting ice  and Mum keeps chopping chopping at the mounds of ice still around. We love staying outside in the sunshine but we love waiting for Dad to give us dinner just as much.   The fresh warm air makes us more sleepy at night. I love Spring because it's my birthday and swimming season is just around the corner. It can't come soon enough. Ciao for now my friends...


Sometimes we have to wait to enter parts of our home. Especially when Mum is teaching her music students. But sometimes we are allowed to relax  by the fire and that is wonderful too. The air is warmer  a bit now but the ice is stubborn and Mum says it will take a long time to disappear. The air is warm and the sun is getting stronger and the chewing bones taste so much nicer with the hint of Spring. And the towels are back on the floors because it is the beginning of mud season.  Ciao for now my friends...


Even though the sun is warm and the air is pleasant, there is still tons of ice around. This was the season of ice and soon to be the season of mud! We don't mind the ice or the melting of the ice. Dusty seems to get the muddiest but I think it's because she is yellow. Rave just wants to have the pool open. The towels on the kitchen floor are always very dirty now. And we are always up for walkies. Always! We will wait for the ice to disappear and hope no more ice will come our way. Ciao for now my friends...  


To dream is like another world where we find our hearts and minds and when we wake- it's important to carry those dreams to our day. I suppose our lot has simple dreams but no matter how big or small, they are ours and therefore important. Sometimes our night time dreams come true- however simple they may be. To live is to dream whether we are awake or asleep. I am grateful for both ever day and night. Ciao for now my friends...  


It's always a good morning when we can snuggle together. And even better when Dad gives us treats.  And basking in the sunlight on Mum's bed. Then when the sun goes down we snuggle in the room with the fire. And wait to watch some tv. It's our favourite time of the day- after mornings of course. Dusty loves chatting with Mum. And Mia loves her favourite spot by the fire. It is peace, it is love, it is comfort, it is life. Ciao for now my friends...