The winds were whipping all around this morning. It sounded like howling. And when we went out first thing in the morning- the cold punched us hard in the face. It was way too cold to pee or poop- but we did it anyway. then snuggled all together on the bed. Mother called us out to go play for a bit outside but it was way too cold and we stayed inside. Even little Mia did not want to leave my warm side. We waited by the kitchen door- watching the brilliant sun but hearing the icy wind. It was way to cold to play. Ari begged Mother to make it get warmer but Mother just shook her head. So they waited by the door. But we still had to go out in the way too cold- to pee again. Mia said she could pee inside- but we stopped her- after all- she is not a baby puppy anymore. Mother says there will be one more day of this "way too cold" weather before we can go out and play again. Ican't wait! But until then- we will snug...