Oh the JOY! Father changed the bed sheets! We have not had clean sheets in a long time because Mother said the machine that washes them clean was broken. Of course - we all had to snuggle down on the bed to soak in all the freshness. It was pure joy!!! Ari and Izzy and Mia would not leave the bed! Not once! But- sigh- we did have to go outside to - well you know. The sun was bright but it had snowed a bit. It must be close to Spring time because the squirrels are plotting their paths to the garden. Ari keeps watch and barks at them as we watch from the patio. Mia is not sure what is going on but she follows what we do just the same. I suppose it is good to have fresh sheets once in a while to remind us of what is new and clean like fresh fallen snow. But me? I rather like to sit in front of the fire with the sun streaming through the front windows..... May your days be filled with peace my friends.....