
Showing posts from March, 2019


Izabella and Miabella left very early in the car with Mother and Father. Izzy was so excited- she knew they were going to a show. Mia did not know anything at all.  They came home at the end of the day exhausted with so many stories to tell us. Mother said today was a sad day from long long ago. She said that her Grandpa left her on today  forty years ago- which I think is a long time isn't it? Why she told me this I think has to do with Ari , Izzy and Mia too. You see- their middle names are the same and it is Castellabate. Which is part of the name  of the town where her Grandfather was from. Izzy said that even though Auntie Stephanie was there- Father took her into the ring. She said he was very good! Mother took Mia in the ring and Mia found the whole experience quite amusing.  She said she watched the puppies n the other ring and watched all the people holding their puppies.  Mia said she made lots of friends of all types and sizes. ...


Saturdays are always pretty good days for us because both Mother and Father sleep in an hour or so and Father gives us chewing bones ad doesn't tell Mother and then Mother gives is chewing bones too. It was so warm and sunny today that we did not mind having our chewing bones outside- in the breezes of March. We took our time in the young Spring grass, tsting the wind as we chewed. I usually finish  first because I get special bones that won't upset my tummy. Then I sit and watch over everything and wonder about what's around me The Spring peepers are out early this year.... I hear them all around me. Father came out into the garden and we love when he comes to play with us. Maybe he will forget that he gave us chewing bones already...... Maybe? May  your days be filled with peace my friends.....


Early in the morning just when we were settling in for a nap- the door bell rang and some men came by to work in the back garden. Mother kept us in the bedroom for most of the morning while they worked and while she went to teach at school. They had big machines that made really loud noises that you could feel from the bedroom. Mother came home and I could hear her telling the boys that she needed to let us go outside. Mother told us they were nice boys who were poking holes in the ground t see what was under there and to not bother their stuff. It smelled yucky out there and of course- Mia did not listen to Motheror to us. We met Uncle Jon. He was  very nice to all of us and gave us lots of fusses. We distracted little Mia by throwing her the blue ball. It worked for a little while before she tried to steal Uncle  Jon's leather glove. Then  she  tried to help him write in his book.  The boys were there all day! We were ...