A few years ago- when Moula was still here; Mother's Uncle Gerry and Aunt Carole came to visit. I remember it well. Arabella was still a little puppy.Moula kept saying that Uncle looked very much like her Poppy- when she was very small. Uncle Gerry brought Mother lots of plants from his garden and mother planted them straightaway. And they did not bloom . Until last year. Mother is very happy about these flowers blooming because Uncle Gerry is not feeling well enough to come visit us so she looks at the flowers and remembers the visit from long ago. We all went for walkies with Mother and Auntie Ginnie before our morning naps. The sun was out and the breeze was cool against our noses. Mia was happy to be in the shade. We had enough of outside and asked Mother to let us nap inside. I suppose there are lots of things that remind me of Moula and that makes me smile. It is good to have things that remind us of the people...