It was a frosty Saturday morning and Mia and Lincoln kept watch over the swirling snow flakes. Mother had a horn student come to play and every time she hit a wrong note- Little boy would sing- I offered to put a toy in the bell of the horn but Mother did not thing that was wise. The puppies got their sunshine toys to play with in the kitchen. They really liked playing with them. Mother told Little Boy that e would have visitors today. Little Boy asked me who might be coming and I told him it might be his new family and to behave himself if he wanted to go home with them. Little Boy thought about this as he and his mother Ari gazed into the snow flurries. Ari told him that it was good to find another family and that he would always have our family too. Little Boy's guests came quietly into our home. We all stayed out of the way and Little Boy seemed very happy to meet them. They all settled into the room with the fire to talk. Little Boy ...