
Showing posts from April, 2020


The  rains are whipping all around with the winds- so much that the chickens are holding fast to thir perches. The boys are still working outside but it must be very difficult! We  decided to be very good puppies today and play quietly so Mother and Father could do their work. Such a nasty nasty day........ And of course, we napped. May your days be filled with peace my friends...


So we did not know why there were towels appearing n various places throughout our house Mother did not put them there. It wasn't until we caught her in the act that we realized it was little Raven who was stealing the towels and redecoration the house. It was supposed to be a really wet and rainy day but the sun peaked through and we were itching to be outside. The boys were working on the road again and we kept watch. Uncle Harry came back to work in the garden beyond the big grey fence. We made sure to greet him and fill him in with all the news of the day. We relaxed in the back garden  while Mother worked on the garden beds. I know it will rain later but for now I think we will nap. May your days be filled with peace my friends...


The sun was out in al it's glory this morning! You could here the flowers and birds and everyone singing to the sky!!!! And since Mother did not have lessons until much later- She went outside to mulch the front gardens. At first we napped- of course. But then the boys out working in the road came. We watched from the front windows as they dug up the road and made  lots of noise. They talked to  Mother  too. Uncle Harry was here too pumping the  oil still in the ground from last year. We watched him from beyond the big grey fence. Ari just wanted to relax in the shade. Lots of work being done today because Mother says  it will rain tomorrow  again.... Until then we will relax in the sun and ask Mother to let us in and let us out and let us in and let us out again and again. May your days be filled with peace my friends...


The rain came down again today and we tormented Father into giving us extra treats. The police were outside with the big trucks. Mother said  they were putting in gas to our house. The Boys are back behind the  big chain fence too....lots  happening out beyond our house. We are inside with each other and we need to be good because Mother and Father have to  work. We stay close together and lean on each other- which  freminds me of a favourite old song. "Lean on me" "When you're not strong" "And I'll be your friend..." "I'll Help you carry on..." "For it won't be long" "Till i'm gonna need" "Somebody to lean on" May your days be filled with peace my friends.....