The rain came down again today and we tormented Father into giving us extra treats.
The police were outside with the big trucks. Mother said they were putting in gas to our house.
The Boys are back behind the big chain fence too....lots happening out beyond our house.
We are inside with each other and we need to be good because Mother and Father have to work.
We stay close together and lean on each other- which freminds me of a favourite old song.
"Lean on me"
"When you're not strong"
"And I'll be your friend..."
"I'll Help you carry on..."
"For it won't be long"
"Till i'm gonna need"
"Somebody to lean on"
May your days be filled with peace my friends.....
The police were outside with the big trucks. Mother said they were putting in gas to our house.
The Boys are back behind the big chain fence too....lots happening out beyond our house.
We are inside with each other and we need to be good because Mother and Father have to work.
We stay close together and lean on each other- which freminds me of a favourite old song.
"Lean on me"
"When you're not strong"
"And I'll be your friend..."
"I'll Help you carry on..."
"For it won't be long"
"Till i'm gonna need"
"Somebody to lean on"
May your days be filled with peace my friends.....
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