I like to watch over Mother when she is on her bike in the brick room. These days she has the monitor that ets her listen to Mia and the puppies in the other room. Mother can tell when the puppies are fussing and when they are having a hard time. Then she goes to see what is happening. Raven considers the outside like another room. She figures it is a more interesting with the pool and the chickens and all the things she can carry in her mouth. She is always looking to see what adventure awaits in the other room. Of course, with the puppies beyond the pocket door, Mother's bedroom becomes our own crib. Still, Raven prefers the Outside room. Mia has two rooms to relax now with the puppies here. Her rooms are cleaned every day after her puppies are weighed. And of course, Mia has the most important job of all of us. She s a very good mother to her puppies. And her puppies are growing leaps and bounds! In the other rooms. May your days be filled with peace my friends.......