The morning was not normal to us as Father stayed home a bit and took us out for walkies and for a moment we thought it was the weekend early but it was not to be. We gathered all around in the kitchen to figure out what was going to happen. Darlyn played tug o war with Mama Mia and their favourite Kong. Mostly we napped together in the cold kitchen. Father took Ari out into his car and drove away. We were all at the door to say good bye. Izzy was concerned for her mother Ari. But I assured her that Ari would be home later. Mother and Father went to pick up Ari from the Doctor's. She had her teeth cleaned and one bad tooth taken out. Ari was out of it but not as bad as when Izzy came home a few weeks ago. It is always good when we are all back together again. May your days be filled with peace my friends...