Izabeela had all her shots and came back from the vet very happy. She is now 42 pounds. She will catch up to me very soon.
She told me she had lots of treats and ear rubs.......made me want to go- but not really.
Arabella Souris and Izzy like to hang out in the kitchen and wait for the squirrels to come by. I like to snuggle on the big bed and nap but sometimes I will chase squirrels.
I have been teaching Izzy how to break into the chicken coop but she gets stuck in there.
Ari likes to play with her where the pool used to be. I 'm not sure if they are pretending to swim.
Izzy went to get her picture taken like I did last week and everybody loved her and she made friends with all the dogs and cats and people. She was the perfect little girl- like me.
Souris went on the boat with out the rest of us. She was so happy to go and she is still grinning about her trip.
I think it may be the last time for boat rides for a while though the rain outside is so bad we may need a boat to get out of the house!
I am wet from the rain- I think I will go sleep on the big bed now- I am sure no one will mind!
Night Night.
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