WE HAVE A FULL HOUSE! Mummy keeps hoovering the floors because the two (nearly six months old) puppies are shedding their baby coats. Mummy says her legs hurt because when they sit down to watch netflix either Izzy or Nera climb on top of her and sleep the whole time. I hear people talk about weighted blankets but weighted puppies work just as well and the heat mechanism is very inexpensive. With six dogs in the house daddy keeps saying "we need a bigger sofa" I like my little love seat all by myself. Ari ,Souris,, Nera, Daddy and little Annika on the other side. Ari , Nera, Izzy, Daddy and Annika Auntie Gwen came to see us right before Annika came. We knew that she knew where the cookies lived........ Nera has settled down a bit. She likes to snuggle with Annika and she likes to snuggle with anyone in the crate- especially with Izzy. I like to stay by the fire- where it is warm. Me, Annika and S...