Monday mornings are quiet, more so now that Moula is not here. We pile on Mother's bed and sleep as long as we can. She makes the bed and it was Moula who taught us to unmake the bed. She was right as usual- It IS so much more comfy.
Mother always makes sure we have everything we need- food, water, fusses. She looks after us every day and if she thinks we are not well- she takes care of that too.
We don't need chewing bones and all the lovely toys and treats that are given to us. But they are things that make us happy- even for a short time and that makes a big difference in our days.
Mother took me for a walk around 3rd Street. She kept saying what a good girl I was and how nice I was walking with her. I don't need to hear it but it makes my tail wag a happy dance when I do.
Mother took Izzy for a walk too. She tried to get Izzy to leave her toy at home but Izzy insisted she needed to walk with her toy in her mouth. Mother said it was ok this time- she knew Izzy would get tired of carrying her toy but it made her very happy to carry it on the road.
Izzy came back and said she carried the toy nearly the whole way around before her mouth got dry and she gave it to Mother to carry. I asked her why she needed to carry the toy and she looked at me and said "It was my Auntie Moula's toy and I thought she needed to go for a walk"
I suppose the things that make us happy are sometimes the things we need and sometimes just things we want.
A nice warm bed, a good belly scratch, a nice chewing bone and a good long walk are all things we don't need- OH but they DO make us happy!
Just being with each other is not something we need but It makes us so happy!
May your days be filled with peace my friends.....
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