It is a cold and rainy day again but Moula always said we needed the rain to make the flowers grow to make us smile.
The flowers like the rain as much as they like the sun.
We like it when Auntie Gwen comes two times in two days! It brightens up our day just like the flowers.
Izzy was so excited she bounced around the kitchen and grabbed her little piggy and could not stop trying to kiss Auntie Gwen- even with her piggy in her mouth!
Izzy thought the day was bright enough!
Ari has Carnaby to brighten up her mornings. Carnaby calls Ari to her cage and Ari waits for Carnaby to feed her a piece of her banana. Carnaby does not feed me or Izzy!
I suppose everybody has a way of brightening their day when the sun is not shining. Sometimes it is just being with someone else or smelling the flowers and smiling at all their colours.
May your days be filled with peace my friends.....
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