The sun came out today- and even though it was steamy hot- we wanted to be outside.
We stayed outside just lounging in the glorious sun when we heard the door bell ring in the front of the house.. When we all went inside- There was Brownie! He came to stay for the day.
Nera started to play with him- and just like Pippa- would not let hi alone.
He did not mind I think because his tail was wagging and he played with Nera until they were both very tired.
They became fast friends- just like Ari and me. Nera has to touch Brownie to let him know that she's his friend. And if Nera is not playing with Brownie- she is playing with Izzy or her Mother- Ari.
I suppose It is rare to make Fast friends. Mother says children and puppies can make fast friends-- and they do it all the time. I don't know why it should be so hard for older folks to make friends. I make friends with everybody.
May your days be filled with peace my friends......
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