Raven does not know what to make of the strange dog on the kitchen counter. It reminds me of what it was like to be young and uncertain of things. Ari was so crazy when she came to live with Moula and me !
We taught her how to be part of the pack, our family. But she had questions for everything. Sometimes it is exhausting to answer all the young one's questions. But mostly , they need to figure it out for themselves.
There are young ones just now emerging in our gardens too, but they seem to know exactly where they belong in the world.
Mia is beginning know where she fits in in this world, I think she knows she will be a mother soon enough.
Even the fruits and veggies know where they need to be and do.
Some day too, Raven will stop questioning everything and enjoy life for what it is.
The young ones keep me young at heart and even though I still have questions too, life for me is a lot sweeter now.
May your days be filed with peace my friends...
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