The rains had stopped and the winds were blowing the leaves all around and Mother was preparing to go to school so she made us stay outside. Darlyn went outside when we were inside so that she won't get hurt playing with us big dogs. She likes to drink her water from the tippy top- even though she can reach into the bowl from the ground. We hunkered down for a few hours while Mother went to teach. Mother noticed that I was flapping my ears so much these days, even though she cleans them and so does Ari. I flapped so much that my ears blew up like two balloons on either side of my head. When Mother returned, and Father came back from work, first one out was little Darlyn. She loves to look at the chickens in their pen. And she loves her Father. And she loves her Mamma Mia's blue ball. After dinner, Mother , Father and I went for a car ride to see about my balloon ears. It seems that I have a deep infection in my ears that we could not clean out a...