From Friday to now- Sunday. It was a game of waiting and a game of staying awake. Aubtie Lois came for a bit to calm Mia with Massage.
Mia panted all the day long and into the night.
Until her first puppy came. Auntie Mickie was there to catch him. A yellow boy with tiger stripes on him that faded soon after. They call him "Tigger"
Not too long after that, a little black boy came out and Auntie Lois named him Velvet because he looked like velvet.
Not very long after that a little girl came into our lives and Auntie Lois named her"Sable"
A few hours into the night again and a little yellow boy came rushing into the world and Auntie Mickie named him "lightening"
Mia and everyone were doing fine but very very tired.
It was into the wee hours of the morning that a little black girl came into our world. She was having trouble dealing with the change but Aunt Mickie performed a miracle and the little black girl came to life with a mighty squeal and force! Mother named her "Mighty"
Five little puppies very content all drinking from Mia and squeaking like mice.
It wasn't until hours later still very early in the morning that Mother, Father, Auntie Mickie and all the puppies drove into the darkness of the early morning to the vet to get everyone checked out that they heard a relentless squeaking cry. Auntie Mickie checked the bucket full of puppies on her lap and they were all fast asleep. Then she looked behind where Mia lay in her crate and saw a little yellow boy crying his lungs out! They pulled off the highway and into a Dunkin Donuts to witness for themselves this true miracle! Everyone was smiling ear to ear to ear and when they got to the Vet's office- they all went in back to help the doctor and the little boy who was still upset to be born in the back of a car on a fast highway.
They all named him "Dunkin"
Mia was perfect. Her puppies are perfect and we have eleven dogs in our house again.
Everyone is tired and happy and healthy.
May your days be filled with peace my friends...
Mia panted all the day long and into the night.
Until her first puppy came. Auntie Mickie was there to catch him. A yellow boy with tiger stripes on him that faded soon after. They call him "Tigger"
Not too long after that, a little black boy came out and Auntie Lois named him Velvet because he looked like velvet.
Not very long after that a little girl came into our lives and Auntie Lois named her"Sable"
A few hours into the night again and a little yellow boy came rushing into the world and Auntie Mickie named him "lightening"
Mia and everyone were doing fine but very very tired.
It was into the wee hours of the morning that a little black girl came into our world. She was having trouble dealing with the change but Aunt Mickie performed a miracle and the little black girl came to life with a mighty squeal and force! Mother named her "Mighty"
Five little puppies very content all drinking from Mia and squeaking like mice.
It wasn't until hours later still very early in the morning that Mother, Father, Auntie Mickie and all the puppies drove into the darkness of the early morning to the vet to get everyone checked out that they heard a relentless squeaking cry. Auntie Mickie checked the bucket full of puppies on her lap and they were all fast asleep. Then she looked behind where Mia lay in her crate and saw a little yellow boy crying his lungs out! They pulled off the highway and into a Dunkin Donuts to witness for themselves this true miracle! Everyone was smiling ear to ear to ear and when they got to the Vet's office- they all went in back to help the doctor and the little boy who was still upset to be born in the back of a car on a fast highway.
They all named him "Dunkin"
Mia was perfect. Her puppies are perfect and we have eleven dogs in our house again.
Everyone is tired and happy and healthy.
May your days be filled with peace my friends...
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