Ari seems to have a lot on her mind lately. She still looks out for me and tends to me but I think she is uneasy about me too. There is a quiet respect al through the house whicheven with the puppies is quite nice.
I can be demanding these days. I don't like to be away from Mother and Father.
It was a good morning to nap while the clouds were in the sky. Qiet days are the best days in my honest opinion.
Mother had us go outside when the rain stopped and the sun came out.
I always like to go out even if I don't really have to.
We were all very happy that the rain had stopped.
There were squirrels behind the fence that everyone was excited about.
The puppies were learing about tracking scents.
We were all pretty tired when we went back inside.
Mother had us nap in the bedroom while she chatted with a friend.
Ari was there to greet hm and chat with him too.
It is nice to have visitors again.
May your days be filled with peace my friends..
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