Today was a somewhat sunny- quiet day. I was feeling a little down. Mother took me for a walk with Auntie Ginnie and I saw Abbey in the carriage. Mother said I was a very good girl when I did not bark or even care that all the dogs behind their fences were barking at me. Izzy tried to cheer me up by putting her paws on my paws. She kissed my face too. We all hung out in the kitchen. Arabella Watched out the windows for any squirrels in the garden. Mother took Ari for a walk and she said she saw jack and they talked to each other but Mother would not stop to let them play. We all hung out in the back garden because the sun felt so good! Izzy was very interested in the chickens. I think she let them out because Mother had to chase a few of them back into their coop. Arabella felt a little down too. She told me she was afraid because Mother and Father were taking me away with them tonight and she was afraid I would not come b...