
Showing posts from June, 2018


It was pretty hot- pretty early in the morning. We were all quiet and resting while Mother watered the gardens and hoovered the hair off the floors. We like to wait for Mother while she is in her bathroom too. Izzy likes to wait IN her bathroom. We all spent the rest of the day in the pool because it was so very hot outside. Brownie came over to stay with us but his Mother did not want him in the pool. The water felt so good- no one wanted to get out- especially Izzy. Mother had to carry her out of the pool. She likesto dunk her whole head into the water. Mother gave us chewing bones so that we could dry off in the heat of the day. Auntie Donna came to bring Brownie back home. Arabella   kept  hugging and kissing her and would not let her leave.  I suppose we are very lucky to have a pool to cool off on a hot day. Even if Father has to clean out all our hair each time we go...


This was a special morning. Mother and Father were up early and packed their bikes on the car. Uncle Bob and Aunt Denise came   to play with us while thy were gone. It was very hot outside today- we wished we could just stay in the pool but the house was nice too. It  was a great surprise for Izzy when her brother Syre came over! They raced around the garden then Izzy showed Syre how to swim in the pool. He was so excited that he squealed  like a pig. Ari and I listened from inside the house. It sounded like they were having so much fun! Izzy would not get out of the pool- like usual. Syre just followed Izzy  around. Izzy was sad when  Syre had to go home. She sat on the bed next to Ari and sighed. I suppose we are all so happy when we are surprised with a visit on an otherwise  ordinary day. And it is normal to feel a bit sad when the surprise has to end. May your days be filled with peace my friends...........


Moula used to call it "the summertime soup" The  days of hot humid yucky weather has come. The storms were horrible last night. Mother says some puppies are afraid of the storms and the loud thunder. We know we are safe here with each other Nothing can frighten us when we are  together. Mother and Izzy did not go to training this morning. Instead we all went to the pool. Izz and Ar jumped right in. I took my time getting into the pool. I suppose the soup is a good thing if you like to cool off in the pool. I think it makes you slow down a little bit and enjoy just hanging out together or listening to the storms  that come with the summertime soup.


Although she would never admit it- Moula loved the mornings. At  first she told us how she would wake with her cold nose in her face- then go  to Father's side of the bed to wake him the same way. After  she ate breakfast she would snuggle in  with Mother and if Mother had to get up super early- she would cry her complaints. Moula said mornings were there to think about the day ahead and review the day before.  She taught us all to stretch every part of us to start the day anew. We love mornings. The stretching out.. the relaxing after breakfast.... the early morning light and fresh air..... Izabella does not question much. She just follows what we do...most times. e want her to grow up doing the right things. Not stressing about the things she cannot control..... Relaxing in the mornings helps with that. I suppose we all need to be taught about the glories of the morning light. Mornings invite you in to relax and reflect. If everybo...


We were lazy girls this morning. We lounged around while Mother worked in the house and in the gardens very early in the morning.  I could tell she had a lot  to do today. Which is why I was surprised when Mother took me for a very long walk! We did our usual walk but then we kept walking. When Mother told me  to go poop- that's when I figured it out. V>E>T>!!!!!! I figured- as long as I don't poop- the longer my walk  would be. I was right! We walked around 4th St and  up around First St. then down Second  Street  and up around 3rd Street. Mother could see I was getting tired so we went home. I LOVED MY WALK!!!!!! I could not go outside without Mother following me. I  did not want to go to the VET so I held in my poop. Auntie Denise and Uncle Bob came with  treats for the chickens. Mother follwed me around the garden until they left. By lunchtime I really had to go! Mother took me fo...