It was pretty hot- pretty early in the morning. We were all quiet and resting while Mother watered the gardens and hoovered the hair off the floors. We like to wait for Mother while she is in her bathroom too. Izzy likes to wait IN her bathroom. We all spent the rest of the day in the pool because it was so very hot outside. Brownie came over to stay with us but his Mother did not want him in the pool. The water felt so good- no one wanted to get out- especially Izzy. Mother had to carry her out of the pool. She likesto dunk her whole head into the water. Mother gave us chewing bones so that we could dry off in the heat of the day. Auntie Donna came to bring Brownie back home. Arabella kept hugging and kissing her and would not let her leave. I suppose we are very lucky to have a pool to cool off on a hot day. Even if Father has to clean out all our hair each time we go...